A little background…

In the late 1990s, the permanent loss of green space and wild life habitat resulting from “build out” of the Island was recognized by the Board of Directors of the Seabrook Island Property Owners Association (SIPOA). At that time a property owner expressed an interest in transferring several undeveloped properties to SIPOA as a charitable gift. The SIPOA Board created a special committee to establish a mechanism for donation of property to SIPOA which would preserve the land as green space and provide an income tax deduction for the donor.

The SIPOA committee determined that a non-profit corporation, independent of SIPOA, would accomplish that objective. The Seabrook Island Community Foundation was incorporated as a South Carolina non-profit corporation on January 5, 2000. Federal status as a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization was granted on September 29, 2000. Initial organizing funds were received from a number of Island residents and the SIPOA Board provided a cash contribution and administrative assistance. The Club at Seabrook Island also made a cash contribution. A permanent Board of Directors was selected by the SIPOA committee at which time the original committee was disbanded. The organization’s name was changed to the Seabrook Island Green Space Conservancy in February, 2003.

Seabrook Island Green Space Conservancy is now governed by a Board of Directors, composed of the Seabrook Island property owners who volunteer to serve for a three year term as a Board member. Since its incorporation, the Conservancy has acquired, by donation or purchase, an estimated 32+ acres of land.

Seabrook Island Green Space Conservancy’s objective is to identify, for potential acquisition, high visibility properties that preserve substantial green space and wild life habitat. Potential “clusters” of properties are of particular interest because of their greater impact on visible green space and usable wild life habitat. Properties may be acquired through charitable donations, bargain sales, or traditional purchase procedures.

In response to the Conservancy’s fundraising efforts, a significant amount of the land has been donated by individual property owners. Over the years the Conservancy has held a variety of fundraising events which have provided funds to purchase other properties.

After the Conservancy has obtained title to a donated or purchased property, the property is transferred, by deed, to SIPOA for permanent preservation and maintenance as green space. The property is rezoned to a permanent status as green space and is then protected from any further development. All the green space properties are inspected twice a year by both the SIGSC and the SIPOA Environmental Committee to ensure that they remain in a pristine, undeveloped state.

Who We Are

Established in January of 2000, the Seabrook Island Green Space Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Our goals are to obtain high visibility properties and easements, educate the community about conservation and advocate on environmental issues. These conserved properties facilitate the preservation of substantial green space, habitats for our vast wildlife species, and conservation of the natural beauty of our island. The properties are then transferred to the Seabrook Island Property Owners Association (SIPOA) for oversight and maintenance. These properties belong to all Seabrookers and is your land, forever! In our 23 plus years of property acquisition, over 44 properties have either been donated or purchased, and over 30 acres of land have been protected in perpetuity.

Our Board

Photo by Glen Cox

It takes a village of dedicated volunteers to protect our island.

Vickie Bibee, President

Susan Leggett, Vice President and Chair of Acquisitions

Krista Tillman, Treasurer

Sally Boudinot, Secretary

Pat Polychron, Seabrook Island Real Estate Liaison

Mike Vinson, Acquisitions Committee

Stan MacDonald, Communications

Tim Barnard, SIPOA/NALT Liaison

Ed Hughes, Stewardship

Mary Gwyn, Environmental Committee Liaison

Meg Carter, Past President